UMZCH tswvyim: hom, piav qhia, khoom siv, kev txiav txim sib dhos

Cov txheej txheem:

UMZCH tswvyim: hom, piav qhia, khoom siv, kev txiav txim sib dhos
UMZCH tswvyim: hom, piav qhia, khoom siv, kev txiav txim sib dhos

Ntau tus neeg paub txog qhov xwm txheej thaum lub cuab yeej ua suab nrov, tab sis tsis ua kom nrov nrov li peb xav. Yuav ua li cas? Koj tuaj yeem yuav lwm yam khoom siv suab tsim tawm, lossis koj tuaj yeem yuav lub suab nrov zaus lub zog amplifier (tom qab no UMZCH). Ntxiv mus, lub amplifier tuaj yeem ua los ntawm tes.

Ua li no, koj tsuas yog xav tau kev paub yooj yim ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob, xws li muaj peev xwm paub qhov txawv ntawm cov emitter, lub hauv paus thiab cov khoom sau rau hauv lub tshuab hluav taws xob bipolar, ntws, qhov chaw, rooj vag hauv thaj teb, nrog rau lwm yam theem pib..

Cov hauv qab no yuav piav qhia txog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ntawm lub suab lub zog amplifiers uas yuav tsum tau txhim kho kom tau txais txiaj ntsig zoo dua, nrog rau cov kab hluav taws xob yooj yim ntawm cov cuab yeej no, sib sau ua ke ntawm ntau yam hauv paus xws li lub tshuab nqus tsev, transistors, ua haujlwm amplifiers thiab integrated circuits.

Tsis tas li ntawd, tsab xov xwm yuav xav txog lub tswv yim zoo UMZCH. Nws muaj pes tsawg leeg, tsis, nrog rau cov qauv tsim yuav cuam tshuam. Lub tswv yim UMZCH Sukhov kuj tseem yuav raug txiav txim siab.

UMZCH parameters

Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ntawm lub suab nrovhwj chim - amplification factor. Nws sawv cev rau qhov piv ntawm cov teeb liab tso tawm rau lub teeb liab tawm tswv yim thiab muab faib ua peb qhov sib txawv:

  1. nce tam sim no. KI=Iout / Iin.
  2. Voltage nce. KU=Uout / Uin.
  3. nce zog. KP=Pout / Pin.

Raws li UMZCH, nws yog qhov tsim nyog los txiav txim siab lub zog nce, vim nws yog qhov ntsuas no uas yuav tsum tau ua kom muaj zog, txawm hais tias nws yog qhov ruam tsis lees paub tias tus nqi hluav taws xob - ob qho tib si tawm tswv yim thiab tawm - nyob ntawm qhov tam sim no thiab tus nqi voltage.

Tau kawg, amplifiers muaj lwm yam tsis xws li qhov cuam tshuam ntawm lub teeb liab amplified, tab sis lawv tsis yog qhov tseem ceeb piv rau qhov nce.

Tsis txhob hnov qab tias tsis muaj cov khoom siv zoo meej. Tsis muaj UMZCH nrog qhov nce loj, tsis muaj lwm yam tsis zoo. Koj ib txwm yuav tsum txi qee qhov ntsuas rau lwm tus.

triode amplifier
triode amplifier

UMZCH ntawm cov khoom siv electrovacuum

Electrovacuum cov cuab yeej yog cov khoom siv uas muaj nyob rau hauv lawv tsim ib lub raj mis uas muaj lub tshuab nqus tsev lossis ib qho roj, nrog rau tsawg kawg yog ob lub electrodes - cathode thiab anode.

Hauv lub khob haus dej muaj peev xwm muaj peb, tsib, thiab yim ntxiv electrodes. Lub teeb nrog ob lub electrodes yog hu ua lub diode (tsis yog yuav tsum tau to taub nrog ib tug semiconductor diode), nrog peb - ib tug triode, nrog tsib - ib tug pentode.

Lub tshuab nqus tsev lub zog amplifierstau txais txiaj ntsig zoo ntawm ob qho tib si cov neeg nyiam suab paj nruag thiab cov kws tshaj lij, vim cov raj muab qhov "huv" amplification.

Qhov no yog ib feem ntawm qhov tseeb tias cov hluav taws xob txhaj tshuaj los ntawm cathode ntsib tsis muaj kev tawm tsam ntawm lawv txoj kev mus rau lub anode thiab ncav cuag lub hom phiaj hauv lub xeev tsis hloov pauv - lawv tsis hloov pauv hauv qhov ceev lossis nrawm.

Tube amplifiers yog qhov kim tshaj plaws ntawm txhua yam nyob hauv khw. Qhov no yog vim lub fact tias cov khoom siv electrovacuum tsis tau dav siv nyob rau hauv lub xyoo pua xeem, feem, lawv cov ntau lawm los ua unprofitable. Qhov no yog ib yam khoom. Tab sis xws li UMZCHs yog twv yuav raug hu tsim nyog lawv cov nyiaj: nyob rau hauv kev sib piv nrog nrov analogues, txawm nyob rau hauv integrated circuits, qhov txawv yog kom meej meej audible. Thiab tsis pom zoo ntawm chips.

Tau kawg, nws tsis yog qhov tsim nyog los sib sau ua ke lub tshuab hluav taws xob ntawm koj tus kheej, koj tuaj yeem yuav lawv hauv khw tshwj xeeb. Tus nqi ntawm amplifiers ntawm lub tshuab nqus tsev yog pib los ntawm ₽50,000. Tus nqi zoo npaum li cas amps? Los ntawm ₽100,000. Tus nqi amplifiers zoo npaum li cas? Los ntawm ntau pua txhiab rubles.

Muaj ntau ntau UMZCH circuits ntawm lub teeb, ntu no yuav xav txog qhov piv txwv theem pib.

Qhov yooj yim tshaj plaws amplifier tuaj yeem sib sau ua ke ntawm triode. Nws belongs rau chav kawm ntawm ib lub voj voog UMZCH circuits. Hauv triode, qhov thib peb electrode yog daim phiaj tswj uas tswj cov anode tam sim no. Ib qho kev hloov hluav taws xob txuas nrog rau nws, thiab siv qhov loj thiab polarity ntawm lub teeb liab, koj tuaj yeem yogtxo lossis nce cov anode tam sim no.

Yog tias koj txuas qhov tsis zoo siab rau daim phiaj, ces cov electrons yuav nyob ntawm nws thiab tam sim no hauv Circuit Court yuav xoom. Yog tias muaj peev xwm ua tau zoo rau daim phiaj, ces cov electrons los ntawm cathode mus rau anode yuav dhau mus unhindered.

Los ntawm kev kho cov anode tam sim no, koj tuaj yeem hloov qhov chaw ua haujlwm ntawm triode ntawm qhov tam sim no-voltage yam ntxwv. Qhov no tso cai rau koj los kho tus nqi ntawm amplification ntawm tam sim no thiab voltage (thaum kawg - lub zog) ntawm no electrovacuum ntaus ntawv.

Txhawm rau sib sau ua ke ib qho yooj yim triode amplifier, koj yuav tsum txuas lub zog hloov pauv mus rau daim phiaj tswj, siv xoom lub peev xwm rau cathode, zoo rau lub anode. Ballast kuj feem ntau txuas nrog lub anode. Lub load yuav tsum raug tshem tawm ntawm lub ballast thiab lub anode.

txhawm rau txhim kho qhov zoo ntawm cov teeb liab amplified, koj tuaj yeem txuas lub lim capacitor hauv series lossis nyob rau hauv tib lub sijhawm (nyob ntawm seb qhov xwm txheej tshwj xeeb) rau lub nra, txuas lub capacitor thiab cov resistor txuas nrog rau tib lub cathode, thiab Txuas ib qho yooj yim voltage faib ntawm ob lub resistors rau daim phiaj tswj.

Txoj kev xav, lub hwj chim amplifier tuaj yeem sib sau ua ke ntawm klystron raws li UMZCH circuits ntawm cov teeb. Lub klystron yog ib qho khoom siv hluav taws xob, zoo ib yam li hauv kev tsim rau lub diode, tab sis muaj ob lub ntsiab lus ntxiv uas ua haujlwm rau kev tawm tswv yim thiab tawm suab. Amplification hauv cov cuab yeej no tshwm sim vim qhov kev hloov pauv ntawm qhov ntws ntawm cov hluav taws xob tso tawm los ntawm cathode ntawm cov khoom siv (analogous rau lub anode), ua ntej hauv kev nrawm thiab tom qab ntawd hauv qhov ceev.

bipolar amplifiertransistor
bipolar amplifiertransistor

UMZCH ntawm bipolar transistors

Bipolar transistor - synthesis ntawm ob lub diodes. Nws yog ib qho p-n-p lossis n-p-n nrog cov khoom hauv qab no:

  • emitter;
  • base;
  • collector.

Qhov ceev thiab kev ntseeg siab ntawm transistors feem ntau siab dua li ntawm cov khoom siv nqus tsev. Nws tsis yog ib qho zais cia tias thaum xub thawj cov khoos phis tawj hluav taws xob ua haujlwm tau zoo ntawm cov teeb, tab sis sai li sai tau thaum transistors tshwm sim, tom kawg tau hloov pauv lawv cov neeg sib tw antediluvian thiab tau ua tiav siv rau hnub no.

Tom ntej no, ib qho piv txwv ntawm kev siv n-p-n transistor hauv lub hwj chim amplifier Circuit Court yuav raug txiav txim siab. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb uas yuav tsum nco ntsoov tias electrons (n) yog me ntsis sai dua qhov (p), feem, qhov kev ua tau zoo ntawm n-p-n thiab p-n-p transistors txawv tsis haum rau tom kawg.

Ib qho tseem ceeb nuance yog tias bipolar transistors muaj ob peb lub voj voog hloov:

  1. Common emitter (nrov tshaj plaws).
  2. Nrog ib lub hauv paus.
  3. Nrog ib qho khoom sib xws.

Txhua lub voj voog muaj qhov sib txawv nce. Cov nram qab no UMZCH Circuit Court muaj ib qho kev sib txuas emitter.

Txhawm rau sib sau ua ke ib qho yooj yim amplifier raws li n-p-n transistor, koj yuav tsum txuas ib qho hluav taws xob hloov mus rau nws lub hauv paus, muaj peev xwm zoo rau cov khoom sau, thiab qhov tsis zoo rau cov emitter. Thiab nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm lub hauv paus, thiab nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm lub collector, thiab nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm lub emitter, limiting resistances yuav tsum tau ntsia. Lub load raug tshem tawm ntawm lub collector ballast thiab lub collector nws tus kheej.

Raws li cov ntaub ntawv ntawm electrovacuumtriode amplifier, txhawm rau txhim kho qhov zoo ntawm amplification hauv Circuit Court, koj tuaj yeem:

  • nruab qhov hluav taws xob faib hluav taws xob thiab lub lim dej capacitor nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm lub hauv paus;
  • nruab lub capacitor thiab resistor txuas nyob rau hauv parallel rau lub emitter;
  • tig lub lim capacitor rau lub nra kom tshem tawm suab nrov thiab cuam tshuam.

Yog tias ob qhov kev nthuav qhia zoo li no txuas nrog hauv cov koob, ces lawv cov txiaj ntsig tuaj yeem sib npaug los ntawm ib leeg. Qhov no, ntawm chav kawm, cuam tshuam qhov tsim ntawm lub cuab yeej, tab sis nws yuav tso cai rau kom ua tiav ntau dua amplification. Muaj tseeb tiag, nws yuav tsis ua haujlwm los txuas cov cascades no mus ib txhis: qhov ntau dua ib qho amplifiers txuas nrog hauv cov koob, qhov ntau dua qhov uas lawv yuav nkag mus rau hauv saturation.

Yog hais tias lub transistor ua haujlwm nyob rau hauv hom saturation, ces tsis muaj peev xwm tham txog tej yam amplifying zog. Koj tuaj yeem txheeb xyuas qhov no los ntawm kev saib cov yam ntxwv tam sim no-voltage: qhov chaw ua haujlwm ntawm lub transistor nyob rau hauv kab rov tav yog tias nws ua haujlwm hauv hom saturation.

FET amplifier
FET amplifier


Tom ntej no, UMZCH Circuit Court ntawm MOS hom transistors (hlau-oxide-semiconductor - tus qauv qauv ntawm lub teb-zoo transistor) yuav tshwm sim.

Cov qauv ntawm cov txiaj ntsig ntawm thaj chaw transistors muaj me ntsis sib xws nrog bipolar transistors. Ntxiv mus, lawv lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm kev ua haujlwm tsis zoo li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm kev ua haujlwm ntawm bipolar analogs.

Teb-tshuaj cuam tshuam transistors yog tswj los ntawm hluav taws xob teb (bipolar - los ntawm tam sim no). Lawv kos tsis muaj tam sim no thiab tiv taus gamma hluav taws xob, kuj hu uahluav taws xob hluav taws xob. Qhov tseeb tom kawg tsis zoo li yuav muaj txiaj ntsig zoo rau cov kws ntaus suab paj nruag uas xav tsim lub suab nrov lub suab nrov, tab sis hauv kev lag luam no cov yam ntxwv ntawm kev cuam tshuam cov transistors muaj nuj nqis heev.

Lawv qhov tsis zoo yog qhov lawv tsis cuam tshuam nrog hluav taws xob zoo li qub. Tus nqi ntawm qhov xwm txheej ntawm keeb kwm tuaj yeem cuam tshuam cov transistors ntawm hom no. Txhua tus ntiv tes tsis saib xyuas rau qhov kev sib cuag ntawm lub caij tuaj yeem ua rau lub transistor puas.

Cov yam ntxwv no yuav tsum raug coj mus rau hauv tus account thaum sib dhos lub zog amplifiers ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob.

Yuav ua li cas los sib sau ua ke UMZCH Circuit Court ntawm lub teb cuam tshuam nrog koj tus kheej txhais tes? Nws txaus los ua raws li cov lus qhia ntxiv.

Ib qho yooj yim UMZCH Circuit Court ntawm lub teb-zoo transistor tuaj yeem sib sau ua ke siv p-n-hluav taws xob teb-tshuaj cuam tshuam nrog n-hom channel. Tus qauv tsim zoo ib yam li tau piav qhia thaum sib sau ua ke ntawm lub tshuab hluav taws xob ntawm lub tshuab hluav taws xob bipolar, tsuas yog lub rooj vag coj qhov chaw ntawm lub hauv paus, lub collector - lub ntws, lub emitter - qhov chaw.

Inverting amplifier
Inverting amplifier

UMZCH ntawm lub tshuab ua haujlwm ua haujlwm

Lub tshuab ua haujlwm ua haujlwm (tom qab OU) yog ib qho khoom siv hluav taws xob uas muaj ob lub tswv yim - inverting (hloov lub teeb liab nyob rau hauv theem ntawm 180 degrees) thiab tsis inverting (tsis hloov theem ntawm lub teeb liab) - nrog rau ib qhov tso zis thiab ib khub ntawm kev sib cuag rau lub hwj chim mov. Nws muaj qhov tsis muaj xoom offset voltage thiab input tam sim no. Chav tsev no tau nce siab heev.

OU tuaj yeem ua haujlwm hauv ob hom:

  • hauv amp hom;
  • hauv homgenerator.

Yuav kom op-amp ua haujlwm hauv hom amplifying, nws yog qhov tsim nyog los txuas cov lus tawm tswv yim tsis zoo rau nws. Nws yog ib tug resistor, uas yog txuas nrog ib tug tso zis rau lub output ntawm lub op-amp, thiab lwm yam - mus rau lub inverting input.

Yog tias koj txuas tib lub voj voog mus rau qhov tsis muaj kev tawm tswv yim, koj yuav tau txais cov lus pom zoo Circuit Court thiab op-amp yuav pib ua haujlwm raws li lub teeb liab generator.

Muaj ntau hom amplifiers sib sau ua ke ntawm op-amp:

  1. Inverting - amplifies lub teeb liab thiab hloov nws theem ntawm 180 degrees. Yuav kom tau txais ib qho inverting amplifier ntawm ib qho op-amp, koj yuav tsum tau ua kom tsis muaj inverting input ntawm op-amp, thiab siv lub teeb liab rau lub inverting ib qho uas yuav tsum tau amplified. Hauv qhov no, peb yuav tsum tsis txhob hnov qab txog qhov kev tawm tswv yim tsis zoo.
  2. Tsis-inverting - amplifies lub teeb liab yam tsis hloov nws theem. Txhawm rau sib sau ua ke lub amplifier uas tsis yog inverting, koj yuav tsum tau txuas cov lus tawm tswv yim tsis zoo rau lub op-amp, hauv av inverting input thiab siv lub teeb liab rau tus pin tsis inverting ntawm op-amp.
  3. Differential - amplifies txawv cov cim (cov cim qhia uas txawv hauv theem tab sis zoo ib yam hauv amplitude thiab zaus). Txhawm rau kom tau txais lub tshuab hluav taws xob sib txawv, koj yuav tsum txuas cov kev txwv tsis pub nkag mus rau cov khoom siv ntawm op-amp, tsis txhob hnov qab txog qhov kev tawm tswv yim tsis zoo thiab siv ob lub teeb liab rau cov kev sib txuas lus: lub teeb liab polarity zoo yuav tsum tau siv rau qhov tsis muaj inverting. input, lub teeb liab tsis zoo rau ib qho inverting.
  4. Kev ntsuas - qhov hloov pauv ntawm qhov sib txawv amplifier. Ib qho kev ntsuas ntsuas amplifier ua haujlwm tib yam li lub suab sib txawv, nkaus xwbmuaj peev xwm kho qhov nce siv lub potentiometer txuas cov inputs ntawm ob op-amps. Tus tsim ntawm xws li amplifier yog ntau nyuaj thiab tsis muaj ib tug, tab sis peb op-amps.

Nws nyuaj npaum li cas los ua haujlwm nrog lub tshuab ua haujlwm ua haujlwm? Rau op-amp circuits, qee zaum yuav nyuaj rau nrhiav cov khoom tsim nyog xws li cov resistors thiab capacitors, vim tias kev ua tib zoo sib xws ntawm cov ntsiab lus yuav tsum tsis yog hauv cov nqi nominal xwb, tab sis kuj yog cov khoom siv.

Ib qho piv txwv ntawm TDA series nti
Ib qho piv txwv ntawm TDA series nti

UMZCH ntawm kev sib koom ua ke

Integrated circuits yog cov khoom siv tshwj xeeb tsim los ua haujlwm tshwj xeeb. Nyob rau hauv rooj plaub ntawm UMZCH, ib tug me me microcircuit hloov ib tug loj cascade ntawm transistors, ua hauj lwm amplifiers los yog lub tshuab nqus tsev twj.

Tam sim no, TDA chips nrog cov lej sib txawv, xws li TDA7057Q lossis TDA2030, yog nrov heev. Muaj ntau ntau ntawm UMZCH circuits ntawm microcircuits.

Nyob rau hauv lawv cov muaj pes tsawg leeg, lawv muaj ib tug loj tus naj npawb ntawm resistors, capacitors thiab ua hauj lwm amplifiers, nruab nyob rau hauv ib tug heev me me, qhov luaj li cas ntawm uas tsis pub tshaj 1 los yog 2 ruble npib.


Ua ntej yuav khoom tsim nyog thiab etching cov neeg xyuas pib ntawm lub rooj tsavxwm textolite, nws yog qhov yuav tsum tau ua kom paub meej qhov tseem ceeb ntawm cov resistors thiab capacitors, nrog rau xaiv cov qauv xav tau ntawm transistors, kev ua haujlwm amplifiers lossis kev sib xyaw ua ke..

Qhov no tuaj yeem ua tiav ntawm lub khoos phis tawj siv software tshwj xeeb xws li NI Multisim. ATQhov kev pab cuam no tau sau cov ntaub ntawv loj ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob. Nrog nws cov kev pab, koj tuaj yeem simulate kev ua haujlwm ntawm txhua yam khoom siv hluav taws xob, txawm tias suav nrog kev ua yuam kev, tshawb xyuas circuits rau kev ua haujlwm.

Nrog kev pab ntawm cov software no, nws yog qhov yooj yim tshwj xeeb los ntsuas cov hluav taws xob muaj zog UMZCH.

200W transistor tso suab amplifier Circuit Court
200W transistor tso suab amplifier Circuit Court

200W transistor stereo amplifier circuit

Txoj kev xav hauv nqe lus no yog qhov nyuaj dua li cov lus piav qhia saum toj no. Tab sis nws cov khoom ua kom muaj zog zoo dua li cov qauv tsim raws li bipolar, qhov cuam tshuam ntawm cov transistors, nrog rau kev ua haujlwm amplifiers thiab kev sib xyaw ua ke, uas twb tau hais hauv kab lus.

Cov khoom no suav nrog cov khoom hauv qab no:

  1. resistors.
  2. capacitors (ob qho tib si polar thiab tsis-polar).
  3. Diodes.
  4. Zener diode.
  5. Fuses.
  6. N-p-n-hom bipolar transistors.
  7. P-n-p bipolar transistors.
  8. P-channel IGFETs.
  9. Insulated gate FET nrog n-channel.

Parameters ntawm lub hwj chim amplifier:

  1. Prated output=200W (ib channel).
  2. U tawm theem fais fab=50V (me ntsis hloov pauv tau tso cai).
  3. I tawm theem so=200 mA.
  4. Irest of one output transistor=50 mA.
  5. Usensitivity=0.75 V.

Txhua qhov tseem ceeb ntawm cov cuab yeej no (transformer, systemtxias nyob rau hauv daim ntawv ntawm radiators thiab lub rooj tsavxwm nws tus kheej) nyob rau ntawm ib tug anodized chassis ua los ntawm daim ntawv duralumin, lub thickness ntawm uas yog 5 hli. Lub vaj huam sib luag pem hauv ntej ntawm lub cuab yeej thiab ntim cov pob qhov rooj yog ua los ntawm cov khoom qub.

Lub transformer nrog ob lub windings ntawm 35 V tuaj yeem yuav npaj tau. Nws yog ntshaw kom xaiv ib tug tub ntxhais ntawm ib tug toroidal zoo (nws qhov kev ua tau zoo tau raug txheeb xyuas nyob rau hauv lub Circuit Court), thiab lub hwj chim yuav tsum yog 300 W.

Lub zog hluav taws xob rau lub voj voog kuj tseem yuav tsum tau sib sau ua ke ntawm nws tus kheej raws li UMZCH lub zog hluav taws xob. Txhawm rau tsim nws, koj yuav xav tau lub fuse, lub tshuab hloov pauv, tus choj diode, nrog rau plaub lub taub hau lub taub hau.

Lub UMZCH fais fab mov Circuit Court muab rau hauv tib seem.

Peb qhov tseeb yooj yim kom nco qab thaum sib sau ua ke ib qho hluav taws xob:

  1. Nco ntsoov saib qhov polarity ntawm polar capacitors. Yog tias koj tsis meej pem ntxiv thiab rho tawm hauv lub tshuab hluav taws xob me me, ces tsis muaj dab tsi txaus ntshai yuav tshwm sim, UMZCH Circuit Court tsuas yog tsis ua haujlwm, tab sis nws yog qhov tseeb vim qhov tsis tseem ceeb, thaum xub thawj siab ib muag, yuam kev tias foob pob hluav taws nrog cov khoom siv thiab cov neeg coob ntawm lub nkoj poob..
  2. Nco ntsoov saib lub polarity ntawm lub diodes: lub cathode nrog anode kuj txwv tsis pub hloov pauv. Rau lub zener diode, txoj cai no kuj tseem ceeb.
  3. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws yog tias koj yuav tsum tau solder qhov chaw tsuas yog qhov chaw sib cuag ntawm daim duab. Feem ntau faulty hluav taws xob circuits tsis ua hauj lwm precisely vim hais tias tus installer tsis solder qhov chaw los yog soldered lawv nyob qhov twg lawv tsis xav tau.

Cov tswv yim no puas suav nrog ib qho ntawm UMZCH schemes zoo tshaj? Tej zaum. Nws tag nrho nyob ntawmkev ntshaw ntawm cov neeg siv khoom.


Sukhov's scheme

Yog tias yav dhau los lub hwj chim amplifier Circuit Court tuaj yeem sib sau ua ke ntawm nws tus kheej, vim tias nws suav nrog ob peb lub ntsiab lus, ces nws yog qhov zoo dua tsis txhob sib sau ua ke Sukhov amplifier circuit manually. Vim li cas? Vim muaj ntau lub ntsiab lus thiab kev sib txuas, muaj feem ntau ntawm kev ua yuam kev, vim tias txhua qhov haujlwm tseem ceeb yuav tsum tau rov ua dua.

Qhov tseeb, nws tsis raug hu rau lub tswv yim muab rau hauv nqe lus no Sukhov lub tswv yim. Qhov no yog ib tug high-fidelity UMZCH ntawm VVS-2011 qauv (ib daim duab schematic ntawm UMZCH ntawm hom no yog muab rau hauv seem no). Nyob rau hauv nws muaj pes tsawg leeg, nws tsis muaj teb-zoo transistors, tab sis nws muaj xws li:

  1. Zener diodes.
  2. Nonlinear resistors.
  3. Resistors.
  4. Polar thiab tsis-polar capacitors.
  5. Diodes.
  6. Bipolar transistors ntawm ob hom.
  7. OpAmps.
  8. Thiab.

Muaj peev xwm ntawm qhov kev suav nrog:

  1. P=150W at Rload=8 ohm.
  2. Linearity: 0.0002 txog 0.0003% ntawm 20kHz, P=100W thiab Rload=4 ohm.
  3. Txhawb nqa tas li U=0 V.
  4. Muaj AC xaim tiv thaiv kev them nyiaj.
  5. Kev tiv thaiv tam sim no.
  6. Kev muaj kev tiv thaiv ntawm UMZCH Circuit Court los ntawm Uexit=const.
  7. Muaj pib muag muag.

Lub voj voog no tau sib sau ua ke ntawm kev lag luam thiab haum rau ntawm lub rooj tsav xwm me. Cov txheej txheem ntawm cov conductors thiab qhov chaw ntawm cov khoom tuaj yeem pom hauv Internet,qhov twg cov ntaub ntawv no muaj dawb do.

Schemes ntawm Sukhov series yog ib qhov zoo tshaj plaws UMZCH schemes.


Lub suab nrov lub suab nrov yog cov cuab yeej nrov heev ntawm ob tus kws ntaus nkauj thiab cov neeg nyiam suab paj nruag. UMZCH tau ua ob qho tib si ntawm lub hauv paus ntawm lub tshuab nqus tsev thiab cov khoom siv hluav taws xob, thiab ntawm lub hauv paus ntawm kev ua haujlwm amplifiers, integrated circuits.

Cov khoom siv zoo li no tuaj yeem yuav ntawm cov khw tshwj xeeb, lossis koj tuaj yeem ua koj tus kheej. Hais txog tus nqi, tube amplifiers yog tus kim tshaj plaws, thiab kev sib xyaw ua ke yog qhov pheej yig tshaj.

UMZCH tube circuits muaj qhov nce siab dua li kev sib xyaw lossis transistor UMZCH circuits. Nws yog vim li no, tib neeg npaj yuav cov khoom siv li no rau ₽50,000, thiab rau ₽100,000, thiab rau ₽450,000.

Thaum sib dhos amplifiers koj tus kheej, nco ntsoov cov cai hauv qab no:

  1. Nws yog txwv tsis pub nruj kom tsis meej pem lub polarities ntawm diodes, zener diodes thiab lwm yam anode-cathode li, nrog rau cov polar capacitors. Qhov no yog fraught nrog qhov tseeb tias UMZCH Circuit Court sib sau ua ke yuav tsis ua haujlwm.
  2. Thaum sib sau ua ke hauv Circuit Court, koj yuav tsum tau solder qhov chaw uas muaj qhov sib cuag ntawm daim duab. Suab zoo li txoj cai pom tseeb. Qhov no muaj tseeb, tab sis ntau tus installers tsis nco qab txog nws.

Yog tias koj siv tag nrho cov lus pom zoo uas tau hais los saum toj no, koj tuaj yeem sib sau ua ke lub suab nrov zoo zog rau koj tus kheej raws li UMZCH Circuit Court ntawm transistors lossis lwm yam khoom.

Pom zoo: